"I am completely overwhelmed - and thrilled. I loved « No, it’s not mussels » and indeed was going to have telephoned you about the possibility of your doing something in Albanian mussels from lake Butrint for our house in Corfu. I hope you might be interested. Meanwhile immeasurable thanks and I would love to be able to enjoy tour pièce alongside our collection in Corfu. At least I can assure you it will be hugely appreciated together with Niko Ghika’s paintings and the other Works of art which w » have there and which I hope you will come and see soon please."
Lord Rotchschild

Vos « Sructured Obsessive Compulsive Organic Surfaces » étonnent par le chaos hautement organisé de matière qu’elles présentent. J’étais ravi de découvrir ce travail à la fois construit, architecturé et extravagant de couleurs et de matières organiques.
Entre une archéologie du réel avec ce recyclage poétique de consommables et de multiples clins d’oeil à l’histoire de l’art ancien et contemporain, votre œuvre croise des préoccupations qui furent les nôtres à plusieurs reprises, d’une réflexion sur la nature à un cycle de performances autour de la nourriture.
Hervé Chandès, Directeur - Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain

The Rausing family (the colossally rich packaging manufacturers) has bought two; Lord Rothschild was interested in another. Not bad for the first show of work by Platon-Alexis Hadjimichaelis,… in London, who has been making assemblages since the 1970s and giving them away to friends. His wife was reportedly delighted to be rid of them, as they are made with the remains of family meals - kippers, cuttlefish, crab claws, pheasants and pineapples. Suitable preserved and framed they did not smell at all in Derek Johns Gallery where they were on show last month, and where 12 sold at prices from £5,000 to £18,000. Mr Hadjimichaelis’ work has been turned down by top contemporary dealer Jay Jopling as “too neat and precise” and one work on show was called “Depression after seeing Jay Joplin”; it was made of mango slices eaten by worms, and was far more beautiful than the title suggests.
The Art Newspaper N°140, july-august 2004

Les Soccos ont une présence "animale" même s'il s'agit de fragments d'animaux morts, leur morbidité est transcendée et ils ramènent de la vie, une fois recyclés par Platon.
Leur absence des murs crée un vide comme après la mort car ce sont des oeuvres "vivantes" et c'est bien là le paradoxe de ces "natures mortes".